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It's been an exciting first week for summer 2015. Watch some of the highlights below, including camper arrivals, our first-ever White Pine job fair and a classic…
Resiliency is the buzzword right now. It’s on the lips of every parenting expert penning a column, and every school speaker giving a lecture. And it makes sense.…
Technology has changed the way we talk to each other. Most of us would rather text than pick up the phone, email than write a letter, and vent on Facebook than…
"It’s amazing how much my child matured this summer. She’s actually helping with the dishes, and participating in family discussions. How did this happen?"…
We’ ve had the privilege of working at White Pine for many years. In that time, we’ve seen formerly shy campers become assertive staff leaders,…
We get it. It’s a little nerve-wracking. Summer is just around the corner and you’re sending your child to camp for the first time. Even for an independent…
Woods. Bugs. Mosquitoes. Long nights under cold rains. The canoe trip is something many kids fear when coming to summer camp for the first time. CIT Gen Ram was…
Let’s get one thing clear: Camp White Pine has a zero-tolerance approach to bullying. It’s simply non-negotiable. That being said, it’s always best to prevent…
It’s that moment right when you wake up ‑ just before you open your eyes. You think you might still be in your bed at home, dreaming of waking up at camp. But…
The Kronickle talks to Kiwi camper and White Pine aficionado Stella Segal about space travel, the all day, and the value of persistence. You told us you liked…
All-star Kiwi camper Dylan Meretsky dishes on all the things he loves about Camp White Pine, and what made him want to go there in the first place. What made you…
Coming home is hard. Sure, there’s the initial joy of seeing your parents for the first time in forever, but once that passes the longing begins. And it hurts.…