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4 Tips for First Time Camp Parents

We get it.

It’s a little nerve-wracking. Summer is just around the corner and you’re sending your child to camp for the first time. Even for an independent kid, a month away from mom and dad can be hard. And for parents, it can be even harder. But it doesn’t need to be.

To help you prepare for you child’s first summer at their home away from home, we spoke to Erin Baker and Heather Brandes, two all-star White Pine moms, about four things you can do to stop worrying and start getting ready.

1.     Be Positive

“A lot of parents project their own fears onto their kids,” Erin said. Instead of dwelling on things like homesickness and bedwetting that might go wrong, focus on the positive.

“Psych your kids up for it,” Erin said. “All we talked about was how amazing it is and how lucky he was to be going.”

2.    Get Them Acquainted

For the future camper, it’s never too early to get to know camp.

“Any little thing you could do to introduce them before they leave is helpful,” Heather said.

In her case, she signed her son up for Pre-Wee day the summer before, and took him to a White Pine skating party during the winter. Of course, there’s always Visitor’s Day and our Fall Open House.

What’s important is familiarizing your son or daughter with camp. That way your child will start to think of it as a fun place, not some daunting abstract thing in her mind.

3.    Say Goodbye the Right Way

“I don’t make a big deal at the buses,” Erin said.

The more you do, the more likely they’ll be upset. Again, try and stay positive.

“If you make them feel like they’re not going to be homesick or sad, then they’re not going to be,” Erin said.

4. Make a Connection

“Try to connect with somebody you know who is going,” Heather said.

Whether it’s a fellow camper or a section head, it’s always good for your child to feel like he has someone to go to at camp.

If you’re stuck, call the office and make a time to drop by. Adam is always happy meet new campers. Besides, if your child is going to know one person at White Pine, what better person to know than the Camp Director?

– Colin J. Fleming

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